Fall Foliage: Variations on a Theme
Having grown up on the northeast, the autumn season always
had a special significance, not just for the pretty foliage but also as a
harbinger of change. But what change you ask? Lots: the advent of snow and ski
season, "fun" winter driving conditions, the end of mosquito season (!!) to name but a few.
So what does this have to do with financial planning? A lot
actually. Like the changing leaves in the fall, our lives and life
circumstances are constantly changing. From a financial planning perspective, changing
life circumstances can (and usually do) result in changing financial prospects
that in turn, raise questions about our financial goals (such as retirement,
estate planning, or kids’ education goals). A change in job status or health
can also result in a change in financial prospects, which can call into
question one’s ability to meet financial goals.
The good news is most if not all of the financial planning
issues raised by changing life circumstances can be captured in a financial
plan. Our work with clients presents myriad differing life circumstances and
goals. The tools we use for developing a financial plan (primarily
comprehensive planning software) enables us to model a wide range of financial
circumstances and goals and probability of achieving these goals. The other bit
of good news about the planning process is it goes a long way to putting
clients’ fears and anxieties at ease and enables them to move forward more
confidently knowing a) they have a financial plan and b) doing something to
take charge of their financial prospects through the discipline that a
financial plan offers.
Changing prospects for the financial markets are also part
of the theme of “change”. We cannot predict the short-term course of the
financial markets but we know assumptions about the outlook for financial
markets will change. This invariably results in market volatility, which by the
way, is one constant for the markets: while we don’t know what the financial
markets will do in the short term, we know there will always be volatility in
the markets (and sometimes it can get severe, as in a bear market).
Research Director
S.R. Schill &
November 4, 2016