The stock market’s recent rise to
new record levels is impressive, particularly in light of economic conditions. Why
is the market achieving new highs? We suspect, as a discounting mechanism, the
market continues to foresee healthy corporate earnings and cash flow and
continued subdued inflation, and is therefore feeling a little more “confident”
about the future. Also, because of the slow growth economy, the market remains optimistic
that excess monetary reserves being pumped by the Fed will continue to find
their way into the stock market.
What drives this behavior? Predictable human psychology: greed and fear. People make irrational decisions when these emotions take over, like selling out at the bottom in a panic, or getting in at the top. People also tend to extrapolate the recent past into the future: if it’s really bad now it can only get worse tomorrow, and vice versa. It is also normal human psychology to fear loss more than cheering gain. But the long-term history of the markets show us that 75% of the time the market is rising and, over the long term, has always gone up.
So what is the point of this for
financial planning? One, avoid
emotionally-based decisions, which can wreck a financial plan; and two, avoid
trying to time the market. In his most recent letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett
put it in his inimitable way with regard to investing. He stated that “the basic [long-term investment] game
is so favorable……. it’s a terrible mistake to try to dance in and out of [the
market] based upon the turn of tarot cards, the predictions of “experts,” or
the ebb and flow of business activity. The risks of being out of the game are
huge compared to the risks of being in it”. While there may be times where it
is prudent to reduce exposure to the stock market, over the long term, as
Buffett points out, the odds are stacked in the favor of long-term investing.
Developing and sticking with a sound financial plan is a great way to help investors
stay on course and avoid the disasters that can be caused by emotionally-based
investment decisions.